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About Us

Thanks so much for visiting our online store. CATA Band Boosters is excited to provide you with a convenient online payment and donation experience. If you have questions, comments or concerns about your order or the content found within this website, please feel free to contact us at email [email protected].


Again, thanks for visiting our online store. 


The CATA Band Booster organization works throughout the year to support our student musicians in the form of organizing parent volunteers to assist the band with transportation, fundraising, and celebrating.  Participation in the CATA Band Booster organization can be as simple as chaperoning a field trip, sending in snacks for marching camp, or helping sell spirit wear at a football game.  Parents who wish to be involved on a larger scale might consider serving as a committee chair or taking on a leadership role in our booster board.  Regardless of your talents and no matter how busy your schedule, there is a place for you to serve our music students with the CATA Band Booster organization.